Jim and Jan arrive from rural Monmouth to marvel at the sights.
The new Trump Tower is pretty impressive.
The Cubs lost but the beerman batted a thousand.
Thomasina in Tom Stoppard's mind bending time warping play, ARCADIA, observes that when you stir raspberry jam into vanilla pudding it will first swirl in streaks but ultimately will turn the entire pudding pink. If you stir the pudding in the opposite direction, the jam will not separate back out again. --LIFE MOVES ONLY FORWARD--NEVER BACK!--
The skyline looked a bit more prosaic in the sunny land based shot below. Part of the surprise I guess was that we had been cruising down the Costa Rican and Panamanian coast for several days and experienced little but jungle greenery. Then all of a sudden there were these gleaming white Wizard of Oz towers.
Clearly the positioning of the ships added to the ambiance of the winner, but I had another option for the contest and it is equally compelling and mysterious. Some folks thought this one was even better.
You choose.Volume LI December ...