Sunday, October 13, 2013

Monmouth College Illinois Homecoming 2013

Monmouth College celebrated its 2013 Homecoming this past weekend.  We attended the dedication of the Kieft wing of our new Science and Business Center and later Friday evening we deposited Doc's ashes under a new tree near the front door.  That was a sad event, but with each passing year I am moved by the joy that most returnees seem to feel when they come back to Monmouth.

Time chisels off the rough edges of past  experience, but it also exposes the erosion resistant core.  I heard again the stories of  how your education and your teachers shaped your lives for the better.  A resounding "Thank you" to each one of you who shared a bit of your story with me in the last two days. You made my weekend and I am sure the weekend of every professor you saw.

Here's to Big Red!
And our Pipers.
Hail the King and Queen!

Our first performers at the new Fushion Theatre show the promise of the next generation.
Craig Watson our Hatch Teacher of the Year and family.  Well deserved, old friend.

Here's some of my favorite people.  Brad Nahrstadt, Jeremy McNamara, and my wife at the parade.

Ralph and Martha Whiteman continue to show their support for the college every moment of every day.


And Prof. Doug Rankin continues to pass the parcel on to the next generation.
Love you man with all my heart!

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