Saturday, September 27, 2014

Warren County History Museum to be Seen on TV

The "Illinois Stories" TV program hosted by Mark McDonald visited Monmouth, Illinois to tape a 30 minute program on the Warren County History Museum last month.  That program will be aired next week on WMEC Macomb  (Channel 9 on Monmouth Cable)

Air dates are Thursday Oct. 2nd at 7:00 PM, Sunday, Oct.5th at 4:00 PM, and Monday, Oct. 6th at 6:30 PM.

The show takes you on a tour of the Roseville, IL exhibit with Diane and Marvin Hawk.

Then it moves to Grandma's House and the agricultural implements area with Carol and Mark Parrish. 

Yours truly gets a short bit at the end as head of collection management.  (Sorry no selfie)

The museum is a volunteer labor of love for a large number of county residents.  It is located at 238 S. Sunny Lane in Monmouth, IL  Currently we are only open on the first Sunday of the month from 1-4 PM  (May-December), but we are working on longer hours.  Private tours can always be arranged by contacting me.  There is no admission charge.  Donations always accepted.





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