Thursday, November 10, 2016

GEMS Workshop held at Warren County Library

Ten girls and six adult leaders participated in a GEMS (Girls Excelling in Math and Science) workshop on Saturday morning at the Warren County Library.   The participants, 5th and 6th grade girls from schools in Warren County as well as homeschoolers, rotated among six stations, featuring Probability, Pressure, Gadgets, Sound, the Brain, and Water. There was plenty of opportunity for hand-on learning, and lots of enthusiasm at all stations. The girls exercised skills of prediction, estimation, calculation, and figuring cause and effect as they moved among the tables. The activity was co-sponsored by AAUW (American Association of University Women), Monmouth Area branch; and Warren County Public Library. Leaders and other facilitators were members of AAUW; Danielle Morrison, Youth Services Librarian; and other active and retired teachers. AAUW is planning another GEMS activity day for the Spring.


Wednesday, November 02, 2016

November Golf at Gibson Woods

We call it subsistence golf after Halloween. The water is off, the tee blocks have disappeared, the front/rear/center flag markers are gone (replaced by a single yellow flag), even the hole designation signs have been taken in for the winter. If you don't know the course they might not find you until spring. Balls disappear under leaves in the fairway and heaven help you if you stray into the rough.  Luckily you tend to find as many as you lose.

But the flip side is that  the crowds are gone and the course is at its most scenic. Here's my playing partner Bill Wallace shooting for the green on number 17.

He returned the favor as took a photo of the short sleeves and shorts in the November heat wave.

Everywhere you look there are faccinating reflections.and colorful vistas.



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