Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Review Resurrection Walk by Michael Connelly


Hard to say much about the author who has published 37 previous novels. He will be read no matter what. And why not? He won the writing chops game long ago. His narratives are strong and full of surprises at just the right time. His characters live and breathe through simple familiarity. You are pre-primed to see how the Lincoln Lawyer will win another case and you want to know how his now investigator Harry Bosch’s cancer treatments are progressing and how he will contribute to the case.  The defendant is sympathetic to the core. And finally, the connection to the title is neatly positioned early on and solidly integrated at the end.

Of his books I have read this seems to be about half way--nowhere near the worst but not taking the gold. It is totally workmanlike and kept me turning the pages, which is what a legal or police procedural is supposed to do.

I give it a solid 4 out of 5


Good article in Washington Post today by Ruth Marcus on sentencing Trump. The guy said a few days ago "If they can do it to me, they can do it to anybody." Isn't that the point? We aren't; he isn't, Biden's son isn't, nobody is above the law in this country. If there are exceptions, the bedrock of the constitution is cracked wide open and special interest rules.

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Review Resurrection Walk by Michael Connelly

  Hard to say much about the author who has published 37 previous novels. He will be read no matter what. And why not? He won the writing ch...