Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Book Recommendation--ALL THE BEAUTY IN THE WORLD BY Patrick Bringley


All the Beauty in the World (The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Me) by Patrick Bringley

This little book by Mr. Patrick Bringley is what I call a sleeper. It is a short and pleasant read by a most unlikely author.  The title refers to the art contained in New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art and the author is a man who worked there for ten years as a security guard.   My wife and I were members of Chicago’s Art Institute for many years and have visited most of the major galleries of Europe in our travels. In all those years we have never run across a book by one of the museum guards. 

Bringley takes the security guard job after his older brother dies of a deadly form of cancer. It could be penance or perhaps a search for peace, but it provides a suitable station for him to observe his fellows, the visitors, and of course the art itself. He glories in the fact that this kind of unskilled job attracts a huge variety of ages, skills, races, and religions, whereas a Manhattan lawyer’s office attracts abysmally similar types. He quotes one retiree saying, “It really isn’t a bad job.  Your feet hurt, but nothing else does.”

The visitors obviously also come from every corner of the world and he takes pleasure in finding meaning in them. He revels in observing the clothes people choose to wear and how they wear them. He finds interest in how they style their hair and how they hold the hands of a companion. He reflects on how some avoid his eye, how some have continuous questions, and how others express rapt attention or boredom.  He insists he takes no meaning from this but just the pleasure of noticing the huge span of reactions.

As the chapters progress, the Art becomes more central. His developing approach to it is deceptively simple. “The first step,” he says, “is to do nothing, to just watch.”  Art, “above all needs time to apprehend and a guard has all the time in the world.” Let the work perform its work on you. Over time certain pictures or objects grow on you, become more abundant, or as he says, they simply “won’t conclude.” Then you can absorb “the holiness of that moment.”  This does not mean you should look without knowing. Knowing develops from looking and each thing you learn about an artist and his work deepens your ability to look at it.   “Too many people think the museum is a place to learn about art, rather than from it.”

At the end of his ten years, having acquired along the way a wife and family, he recognizes that nature favors hardiness over simplicity and that his life of standing, observing, and learning must end. You can only watch and inhale so long.  Sooner or later you have to face the real world which is not nearly as orderly as a museum.

Loved this one.  I give it a 4.5 out of 5



Tuesday, January 21, 2025

The Spamalot Diaries by Eric Idle


Idle, Eric The Spamalot Diaries

When it rains it pours and when you have an accomplished wordsmith and musician who has just authored a Tony winning musical and it has been directed by Mike Nichols, you can count on it being entertaining. His personal diary during the creation of the musical Spamalot is a pleasant read for anyone familiar with the show, and also instructive for folks who are still in, retired from, or thinking of joining the theatre business.  As someone who was in the directing business once upon a time, I didn’t learn much new.  There was the “two block rule.” You never speak ill of your show within two blocks of the theatre as someone on the cast or crew or a friend of theirs might hear it and report it to others. Then there was a nice term I had never heard of before.  It was called the ‘Sitzprobe”.  According to Mr. Idle, it is a term in Opera and Musical Theatre that comes from German and means a special kind of “seated rehearsal.” It is where the singers sing for the first time with the orchestra and focuses on integrating the two groups and getting them balanced. 

If you are not at all familiar with the pattern of theatre rehearsal, this is a nice inside look at the real dirty work of rewrite and cut and even occasionally put back in changes that always occur along the way to an opening night. Idle is a talented and funny man. This humorous read goes fast and you will enjoy it. Give it a 3.5 out of five.

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