Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The Lion of the Senate and the Lab

I woke today to hear the news of the passing of Teddy Kennedy. He was an icon on a world stage that is larger but no more important than the stage closer to home. A dear friend and colleague of mine for many years-- Dick Kieft-- is gravely ill and fighting a similar battle. So for Teddy and Dick

On the Morning’s Minions and Mourning

Oh son, brother, colleague, friend
There is no message I can send.
Into the air or inner heart
That will relieve the smart
Of pain. When the journey ends,
It is only the ether that bends
Dispersing fine and gone
Left a stone that seems too cold.

With humble apologies to Gerard Manley Hopkins whose far more skilled words in “Windhover” tumbled about in my mind as well.

and more love even within our conflicts please.


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