Saturday, April 25, 2020

What We're Seeing from our Condo

Looking out our living room window is always a pleasure.
Sitting on our little patio is even more pleasant because you can both watch and hear the remarkable variety of birds. 
The most comment birds are quail and mourning doves. The doves seem to make a lot of noise all day from sunup to sundown.
The quail have calls too, but are not as loud as the doves. The lady next door has a small birdbath and puts out feed each morning so we have pretty much a continuous parade of quail all day long. Generally they come in pairs from out of the wash behind our unit though the one below was alone.
Goldfinches are quite common too.

                                              Or the ubiquitous sparrows.  We think this is a white crowned one.


This a black crowned one.  

The cardinals are the great loud songsters but so flighty they are hard to catch.  Here's Mrs. Cardinal.

And here is Mr. Cardinal in a shot that I think may be the best one I've taken this year.  

A mini-second later he took off and I was able to snap this one.

For nervous activity the cardinals are certainly exceeded by the hummingbirds who seem never to rest. I have a number of hummingbird pictures taken in confined areas like the Tucson Botanical Garden, but this is the best I could do from our patio this year.


Last week we did catch sight of a lovely little quail family marching up toward our neighbor's bird bath.


The chicks were treated to a drink and seemed to enjoy being around the water. We have seen them a time or two since I took these shots, but I have not been quick enough to get them again.  They seem to be growing fast.

We also see some hawks on occasion cruising over the wash. They are pretty much in the distance and my long lens is not really big enough to catch them any larger than a speck.

We'll close with some nice tinted clouds from last week.   So much for birds caught from our patio.


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