Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Back to Sabino Canyon

We returned to Sabino Canyon for our walk this morning and were rewarded with some colorful birds:  a Cardinal,

a Lesser Gold Finch,

and a Roadrunner.

On the flora side of the coin there were a matching pair of barrel fishhook cacti with some strange red spines or fruits,

a lovely Elegant Lupine fuzzy and dripping with morning dew,

 some Fiddlenecks silhouetted so you can actually see their fiddle necks, and

several Desert Yellow Evening Primroses.

Where there are flowers open and some warm sun there will be some butterflies.  A few even stayed put long enough to focus on. After you get the picture you have to figure out what they are and though we bought a nice folder that purports to help identification, the pictures and the real thing often don't quite agree.  For instance this fellow seems to be some sort of Checkerspot.  Of three in our guide we can't agree on which one it might be.

This one seems to be an Empress Leilia or maybe a Hackberry Emperor.  On the other hand they both may be the ubiquitous Texan Crescent.

We are pretty sure of this one.  It's a Dainty Sulphur. 

This one we got down to two.  We lean toward the Desert Marble, but could also go with the Checkered White.

Warm sun also brings out the Side Blotched Lizards.
Ta Ta for another sunny day in the canyon.













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