Saturday, March 14, 2015

Bye Bye AZ for another year.

We took our last walk in Sabino Canyon on Friday and as usual it did not disappoint.  

Here are a fw of the things that caught our eye.  On the bird front there was no activity in the raven nest but we did manage to see one of the finches sitting on their tiny nest.  Neither one of these produced much in way of pictures.  For that we had to wait until we got on the path behind the dam where the Coopers Hawks live.  I did get a great shot of one of them sitting majestically in a tree near their nest.

New on the scene was this pair of House Finches

And of course the Cactus Wrens were on their stations.

In  spite of our constant trekking in the past two months we even saw a few new flowers.
This is called Mexican Vervain
Jan was thrilled to discover this one on the Bluff Trail. It is the Coulder Hibiscus and it a beauty.
We've seen Baby Bonnets below, but this shot was pretty enough to lobby for a return viewing. .

The butterfly watch turned up an Empress Leilia   

and an Echo Spring Azure munching on a Fiddleneck.

And our Pipevine Swallowtail caterpillar was still hanging around. 

We will especially miss the path in the Riparian area that takes us to the little pond behind the dam
We'll off for now and hope to rejoin the blogosphere sometime after we return to the Midwest. 

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