Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Sherlock Holmes Returns


For total escape reading,  let me recommend the Sherlock Holmes knock-off series by Anna Elliot and Charles Velsey.  I have read two of them (The Last Moriarty and The Jubilee Problem) and there appear to be oodles more. They are quick reads, suitably entertaining, engrossingly faithful to the atmosphere of Victorian London, and many appear to be available on Kindle Unlimited free of charge.

The set-up is that the young Sherlock had an affair with a well-known concert violinist and the relationship produced a daughter named Lucy.  She has been educated by her mother in America, on the continent, and in England, but has been kept in the dark about her parentage until the present. When she discovers her true father while working as a singer in Gilbert and Sullivan operettas with the D’oyly Carte Opera Company, she manages to join Sherlock and Watson in the solving of new cases. She has Holmes’ hyper deductive mind, a young person’s devil-may-care attitude toward personal safety, and a thorough familiarity with physical combat. If she lays a kick in the chops on an attacker, they go down for the count.  

In The Last Moriarty members of the now dispatched great villain’s family return to do battle with Holmes and the British government. In The Jubilee Problem a bomb threat on Queen Victoria during her great Jubilee celebration nearly brings the empire to its knees.  When I want more easy-going fun mysteries set nicely in Victorian London, I will return to books in this series.  ***  

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