Thursday, March 16, 2006

The World is Flatter Than You Think!

We may live in "Forgottonia" but we ain't in a bubble.

This very evening at the Buchanan Center for the Arts in downtown Monmouth, IL Mr. Joe Angotti, formerly executive producer for NBC News with Tom Brokaw and former head of Northwestern University's Medill School of Journalism will be presenting his take on the nature of the news business in the 21st century. The evening, which begins at 7:00 PM, will feature a talk, refreshments, and plenty of time for questions. It is sponsored jointly by the Warren County Library and the Buchanan Center for the Arts.

Other tics for your Buchanan Arts Center Calendar.

OFTA* April 12th Stephanie Baugh on how to tell if your grandchild has artistic talent.

OFTA* May 10th Robert Hellenga, nationally known author, talks (and sings) about his newest novel “Philosophy Made Simple” It was reviewed positively in last Sunday’s Chicago Tribune and the photo was by local resident John Vellenga. This is Bob's fourth book and we are honored to have him in the community and willing to share his work with us.

* OFTA is a joky acronym that stands for "Old Farts Talk Arts" and is a Buchanan Center for the Arts program for senior citizens that features a talk about the arts each month. Founded by three retired Arts Professors (Jim De Young--Theatre Director, Harlow Blum--painter, and Henry Joe--potter) OFTA has a three year history of interesting and varied programs. Visitors are always welcome to our 2nd Wed. of each month meetings at 10:00 AM. The coffee is hot, the goodies are home baked and sinful, and the price is right--free.

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